Thank you! And you are so right. I constantly look things up to fact check when watching anything on current events. I prefer to see the source info for myself.
Great thoughts here. The media serve to polarize people because it's the only way they get clicks on their damn headlines. The best we can do is stay away from opinions. Just follow facts, that's it.
Thank you, Muser! It feels like you've been reading my private journal.
Better. Together.
It's always nice to be reminded that there are other likeminded people who are hoping and striving for a return to unity. Thank you! 😊
We have all have much more in common than different, if we can pause to appreciate the humanity in everyone.
Thank you! And you are so right. I constantly look things up to fact check when watching anything on current events. I prefer to see the source info for myself.
Great thoughts here. The media serve to polarize people because it's the only way they get clicks on their damn headlines. The best we can do is stay away from opinions. Just follow facts, that's it.
Exactly! They don't make it easy, but it is possible.
So well said! You captured a lot of what I have been feeling lately.